The DiningGuide database has 29 profiles for this restaurant chain in the New York area.
Click on the address link from the following list to view a specific location's DiningGuide Profile PageSM.
22 Ct. St. | (not rated) | 718-624-0509 |
2784 Linden Blvd. | (not rated) | 718-277-7841 |
5424 Flatbush Ave. | (not rated) | 718-692-4219 |
569 Myrtle Ave. | (not rated) | 718-783-3744 |
Route 32, The International Eatery 500 | (not rated) | 845-928-4934 |
In The Queens Center Mall | (not rated) | 718-592-5612 |
American Airlines Terminal | (not rated) | 718-553-2929 |
150 W. Bay Dr. | (not rated) | 516-431-6500 |
6104 Fresh Pond Rd. | (not rated) | 718-366-2801 |
One Galleria Dr. | (not rated) | 914-692-5702 |
3139 E. Main St. | (not rated) | 914-526-8581 |
In The Nanuet Mall | (not rated) | 845-623-4711 |
In The Manhattan Mall | (not rated) | 212-244-1730 |
120-10 Queens Blvd. | (not rated) | 718-575-1928 |
243-247 42nd St. | (not rated) | 212-840-7761 |
251 E. 14th St. | (not rated) | 212-979-2585 |
401 Seventh Ave. | (not rated) | 212-630-0327 |
570 Second Ave. | (not rated) | 212-447-0638 |
705 8th Ave. | (not rated) | 212-459-9500 |
875 3rd Ave. | (not rated) | 212-223-4839 |
Delta Flight Center | (not rated) | 718-458-2226 |
Rockaway Blvd. and 108th St. | (not rated) | - |
790 S. Rd. | (not rated) | 914-297-1335 |
Playland Pkwy. | (not rated) | 914-925-1015 |
In The Staten Island Mall | (not rated) | 718-370-0433 |
19 Mamaroneck Ave. | (not rated) | 914-428-5197 |
20-55 Ulmer St. | (not rated) | 718-762-2383 |
2 S. Dr. | (not rated) | 914-376-5016 |
2290 Central Park Ave. | (not rated) | 914-779-1800 |
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