The DiningGuide database has 31 profiles for this restaurant chain in the New York area.
Click on the address link from the following list to view a specific location's DiningGuide Profile PageSM.
243 Livingston St. | (not rated) | 718-522-1378 |
Kings Plaza Mall and Shopping Center | (not rated) | 718-252-1380 |
5219 5th Ave. | (not rated) | 718-492-5062 |
6313 18th Ave. | (not rated) | 718-837-4103 |
9701 Atlantic Ave. | (not rated) | 718-805-9123 |
987 4th Ave. | (not rated) | 718-871-0087 |
In The Queens Center Mall | (not rated) | 718-699-4052 |
3 Elm St. | (not rated) | 845-896-7565 |
104-21 Queens Blvd. | (not rated) | 718-830-6361 |
8301 37th Ave. | (not rated) | 718-478-9530 |
16001 Jamaica Ave. | (not rated) | 718-262-8151 |
1300 Ulster Ave. | (not rated) | 845-336-6130 |
25465 Horace Harding Expy. | (not rated) | 347-321-6515 |
221 Dolson Ave. | (not rated) | 845-341-0100 |
Route 211 | (not rated) | 845-343-4300 |
329 Main St. | (not rated) | 914-576-0534 |
115 E. 23rd St. | (not rated) | 212-260-1940 |
155 Chambers St. | (not rated) | 212-285-2228 |
161 Maiden Ln. | (not rated) | 212-514-8432 |
17212 Northern Blvd. | (not rated) | 718-359-6709 |
18 E. 14th St. | (not rated) | 212-645-8645 |
1889 Bruckner Blvd. | (not rated) | 718-822-5831 |
2 E. Fordham Rd. | (not rated) | 718-562-6337 |
200 E. 161st St. | (not rated) | 718-537-3351 |
331 Sixth Ave. | (not rated) | 212-929-3097 |
3585 Boston Rd. | (not rated) | 718-547-2790 |
1412 Route 300 | (not rated) | 845-566-3650 |
755 Main St. | (not rated) | 845-452-3381 |
44 Victory Blvd. | (not rated) | 718-442-5272 |
6012 Northern Blvd. | (not rated) | 718-565-2465 |
1920 Central Park Ave. | (not rated) | 914-793-9440 |
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